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Mixed Martial Arts

I managed to “win” a month’s classes at a local Mixed Martial Arts class of Kali and Thai Boxing – well it must be about 10 years since I did anything like that and even then I was overweight and unfit – so it was with some trepidation that I turned up at the class – I was also looking forward to some fun and was not disappointed. It has actually proved really enjoyable being a beginner again and working with young enthusiastic and helpful people. I have been delighted how well my body ( and brain ) have survived and responded positively. It has been a bit of a re-awakening and I feel much more alert for using my body dynamically. Unfortunately of course my movement suffers in a sparing situation – so I am now looking to practise Tai Chi movement in a more dynamic way without losing the core connection. However it does, once again, demonstrate that Chen Tai Chi practise has created an underlying level of fitness that enables the body to respond to change.

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