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Home 2 Day Seminar – Chen Tai Chi including Laojia form

2 Day Seminar – Chen Tai Chi including Laojia form

Following the success of previous 2 day Chen Tai Chi Seminars at The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, I am delighted to offer another 2 day seminar this year on Tuesday 5th and Thursday 7th August 2014, at 10 – 4pm each day

The class is open to existing students, plus anyone with previous experience of Tai Chi.
Ian DeavinThe program will cover:

  • Tai Chi Exercises
  • Silk reeling
  • Chi Kung standing
  • Chen Laojia form (old style 74 postures)
  • Possibly push hands if the group wishes and time allow

Dates: Tuesday August 5th and Thursday August 7th 2014
Time: 10am – 4pm each day
The Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Rosehill Hospital,
Hitchin Road, Letchworth, SG6 3NA
Cost: £100 for two days, £60 for one day.
To book and pre-pay: call The Letchworth Centre on 01462 678804
For further information please call me on 01462 621970 
Mobile: 07860 218334. E-mail: [email protected] 

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