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Home 2016 Tai Chi Seminars and Events – Residentials and Retreats

2016 Tai Chi Seminars and Events – Residentials and Retreats

Shefford Tai Chi group practice

This year we have managed to get together a full program of Tai Chi and related activities on the website for the coming 12 months ( actually beyond! ) so if you are interested to plan your participation at the weekend Residential or a Re-Vitalise Retreat – or a push hands or sword form seminar, then you can see what is on by clicking hereIan teaching a class

Likewise if you fancy a Tai Chi and Alexander seminar or Residential weekend ( in 2017 ) then it is all listed here please do browse and click around.

All the best for a Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing you – it promises to be a very interesting year!

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