We had a good time at our annual Belsey Bridge residential which this year focused on being slow and soft and calm, with a quiet mind and quiet body. Students who were each at different stages were encouraged to practice on their own with help available just yards away. Side trips in search of “the Belsey Bridge” and to look at the adjacent Emaus charity shop were undertaken in the spirit of attentive serendipity which is so helpful in developing Tai Chi self-understanding.

On return to Shefford we have continued classes on Sunday, Monday and Thursday. It had been my hope that a Thursday class would be more convenient for some people and allow others to practice more often at no additional cost – since a block booking offers not only a 25% discount but also the opportunity to attend two classes a week. For the past few weeks I have ended up teaching one-to-one so I can only assume that Thursday is not a good day for people? If you have any thoughts on Thursday classes please let me know so I can consider what to do.